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PicProtection SMD 2chPiezo siren

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Prijs: €36.30 (incl. 21 % btw)

Stel een vraag over dit product

PicSignalDetection is as an automatic on/off switch designed for power amplifiers (but it is useful with other equipment as well). The circuit will switch a 230V relay if an input signal is detected. After 15 minutes without signal, it will automatically switch off the equipment again, this way preventing unnecessary use of energy. Maximum switching current is 5A, about 1000W.

Optionally, DC detection for one channel is incorporated, which can switch an amplifier output relay. With this circuit and a power amplifier circuit, an active speaker can be easily made.

Since revision 4 of the pcb, also balanced inputs are supported.

This product is available with the following options:

  • PCB + programmed microcontroller
  • Complete kit with components
  • Assembled and tested kit

The complete list of components of the kit can be found in the mounting instructions:

PicSignalDetection r3 mounting instructions (177,86 KB)
PicSignalDetection r4 mounting instructions (113,52 KB)

In voorraad: 4

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Laatste update: Friday, 07 February 2025 21:36

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