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Results 121 - 140 of 147

Poweramp supply (16x18mm)

Dual supply for power amplifiers
[Product Details...]

€12.10 (including 21 % tax)


PreampController used to control the different pcb's in the preamplifier project
[Product Details...]

€48.40 (including 21 % tax)

Programmed microcontroller

Programmed Microcontroller for various projects
[Product Details...]

€5.45 (including 21 % tax)

Project housing 120x60x30mm

Plastic project housing 120x60x30mm
[Product Details...]

€4.36 (including 21 % tax)

Project housing 120x60x40mm

Plastic project housing 120x60x40mm
[Product Details...]

€4.60 (including 21 % tax)

Project housing 150x80x30 mm

Plastic project housing 150x80x30 mm
[Product Details...]

€6.05 (including 21 % tax)

Project housing 90x50x24 mm

Plastic project housing 90x50x24 mm
[Product Details...]

€3.21 (including 21 % tax)

Project housing 90x50x32mm

Plastic project housing 90x50x32mm
[Product Details...]

€3.27 (including 21 % tax)

PVC wire 0.75mm2 (per meter)

PVC installation wire 20 awg, 0.75 mm2. Available in various colors, for general use.
[Product Details...]

€0.20 (including 21 % tax)

PVC wire 1.5mm2 (per meter)

PVC installation wire 16 awg, 1.5 mm2. Available in various colors, ideal for internal amplifier cabling due to high current rating
[Product Details...]

€0.31 (including 21 % tax)

RCA insulated chassis connector

High-quality insulated RCA/Cinch connector, various colors
[Product Details...]

€1.57 (including 21 % tax)


The RelayDelay circuit is used for delayed switching of the Mosfetamp output relay
[Product Details...]

€1.02 (including 21 % tax)

Ribbon/IDC cable (per 25cm)

Ribbon/IDC cable 1.27mm (per 25cm)
[Product Details...]

€0.36 (including 21 % tax)

Sharp optical receiver

Sharp optical toslink receiver
[Product Details...]

€2.54 (including 21 % tax)

Small Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

Small light dependent resistor (LDR)
[Product Details...]

€0.92 (including 21 % tax)

Soldering tin in tube

Soldering tin 60%Sn, 40%Pb, with flux core 1.0mm, 17 gram in handy small tube
[Product Details...]

€1.22 (including 21 % tax)

Speaker 4p chassis connector

Speaker 4p square chassis connector
[Product Details...]

€0.76 (including 21 % tax)

Speaker 4p plug

Speaker 4p male connector
[Product Details...]

€1.53 (including 21 % tax)

Stereo insulated audio cable (per meter)

Stereo insulated audio cable, 2x0.14mm2 (per meter)
[Product Details...]

€0.56 (including 21 % tax)


Stereo (6x) cinch input selection pcb controlled using SPI
[Product Details...]

€45.98 (including 21 % tax)

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Results 121 - 140 of 147
Last Updated: Friday, 07 February 2025 21:20

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From 1st January 2020, the Djuke webshop received a major upgrade and can now be found at:
Orders can only be handled from the new webshop. Not all products are yet transferred, so the old catalogus is left as a reference. Please let me know if you would like to order products that are not yet present in the new webshop.


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